I am so excited to finally be able to share the projects I have been keeping secret!!
Back in September, I got the opportunity to collaborate with one of my favourite fabric houses Camelot Fabrics. You’ve heard me share my love for their fabrics, but this was the first time that I got to meet the team (such lovely people), see their offices (OMG – all that fabric!!), and see their design room (I was swooning). But by far the best part was to get to play with several of their new fabric lines before they even launched – how freakin’ cool is that!?

On top of all that goodness, I later found out that the projects I was working on would be showcased at the International Quilt Market being held in Houston. O. M. G. That little piece of news was thrilling and beyond scary all at the same time! Remember my post on Fear? Yeah, this was one of the projects I was working on when I wrote that!!
But I’m so glad I faced my fear and didn’t let the butterflies in my stomach stop me from pursuing a project that was ultimately immensely fun!
Without further ado, here is the first of 3 projects I tackled!

This is the Saybrook Island Pillow in the new gorgeous Flourish Collection by Ciana Bodini.
I was having a great time tracing and cutting my little pattern pieces and was well on my way to completing the first design when I sat down to test my first block and things started to unravel. My little triangles were not aligning properly with my parallelograms. So much so, that my final block measurements ended up being just shy of 4” when I needed them to be 5 ½”. Panic set in. What have I done?

I spent the next while re-reading the pattern. Checking my template. Double-checking my measurements. And essentially sweating buckets! Until I finally discovered there were some errors in the original pattern and I was able to work around those issues to finalize the design. Phew! I’ve never been so relieved!!
Since I had already cut all of my pieces before discovering the error, I didn’t have enough of all of the fabric for a second round. This is why the central diamond is in green and not the coral floral print as originally planned.

Even with the scare I had, I’m so happy to have had the chance to push my boundaries and work on a really awesome project with a really fun team! And just look at this comfy cuteness!
Oh – and if you are looking to tackle this fun project yourself (which I highly recommend!), the pattern has already been updated with my notes by the efficient team at Camelot Fabrics.
I must run, but I will be sure to share the other two projects I worked on with you soon!
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