I have been in quilted mug rug heaven since the weekend!
It all started when I picked up this fun fabric by Camelot Fabrics (quelle surprise!!). Not your typical holiday fabric print – which I love. And figured it would come in handy for some holiday projects.

In a panic on Friday night before the sew-in day with the Montreal Modern Quilt Guild, I started grabbing fabric so that I would have a project to work on the following day. Along with the Ice Princess in Iron from the Winter Wonderland collection by Heather Rosas, I also grabbed some turquoise Kona Cotton, leftover from my Dresden Plate quilt, and one single square of the Dear Stella Scallop print in Punch. I then threw in some gray Kona Cotton for some backing options and a little batting. I had a vague visual of what I wanted to create, but really nothing concrete.
After a couple of hours of chatting with fellow guild members and checking out all their gorgeous projects, I finally got down to some cutting. And then some piecing. And before I knew it, I had this:

I finished off the hand binding Sunday night while catching up on some shows. I had such a fun time, I can’t seem to stop!
I’ve now got a pile of mug rugs just waiting to be quilted, bound, and packaged up!

This is an awesome project to let your imagination run and enjoy some improv piecing. Oftentimes, I find it is these free-form quilting projects that I enjoy the most! It’s also a perfect project to practice your piecing, quilting, and binding techniques! Not to mention a great scrap buster. So have at it! And be sure to share your cute quilted mug rugs with me @shannonfraserdesigns on Instagram and #sfdquiltedmugrugs for us all to see!!
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Cute! I think you might have inspired me to make some coaster sets as hostess gifts for the holidays!
Oh I love that idea! And would love to see your finished coasters, Izzy 🙂