It is just devastating to see the destruction that has occurred
in Fort McMurray… mother nature can be so fierce and unrelenting at times. And these wildfires are a perfect example of
that. As I’ve been watching the news and hearing about all the misfortune
that has befallen the residents of Fort McMurray, I kept thinking about how I could
give back.
The next day I saw Stacey’s Instagram post for
#quiltsforFortMac and it just warmed my heart. Here again was an great example of how kind,
generous and thoughtful our quilting community really is. And to see the level
of participation coming from areas all over the world just confirms how
connected we really are, despite the physical distance we might feel.
#quiltsforFortMac and it just warmed my heart. Here again was an great example of how kind,
generous and thoughtful our quilting community really is. And to see the level
of participation coming from areas all over the world just confirms how
connected we really are, despite the physical distance we might feel.

Stacey has joined with Mad About Patchwork to coordinate reception of the quilt blocks which feature the maple leaf – a
true Canadian symbol.
If you would like to participate, you can find the easy to
follow tutorial over on Stacey’s blog,
or you can design your own interpretation. They are asking to keep the
colour scheme to red, white, blue, yellow and green as those colours represent
the Alberta flag.
follow tutorial over on Stacey’s blog,
or you can design your own interpretation. They are asking to keep the
colour scheme to red, white, blue, yellow and green as those colours represent
the Alberta flag.

Whether you make 1 or several, you can send your blocks by June 30, 2016 to:
Quilts for Fort McMurray
c/o Mad About Patchwork
2477 Huntley Road
Stittsville, ON
K2S 1B8

These are my first maple leaf blocks and while I’m thrilled to
be tackling it I just wish it were under happier circumstances. But I’ll take
solace in knowing the abundance of love streaming in is from a community I
count myself lucky to be a part of.
be tackling it I just wish it were under happier circumstances. But I’ll take
solace in knowing the abundance of love streaming in is from a community I
count myself lucky to be a part of.
I really love the blues. Hoping we get to see some of the finished quilts before they get distributed… I bet they'll be lovely!
Me too!! I can just imagine how amazing they are going to look 🙂
Thanks for sharing this info. I had not heard about this block drive yet. I love that the quilting community knows no boundaries and the willingness of complete strangers to band together to help those that need some extra love.
Happy to share the details with you, Tish!! It truly is an amazing community we have <3