Before blueberries were heralded for their antioxidant properties and health benefits, I was already a blueberry lover. The burst of freshness from these little purple powerhouses is simply delicious. I’ll take them any way I can get em: fresh, blitzed in the blender, hidden in a muffin or mashed in a jam.

As is often the case, I found myself with an abundance of blueberries the other day. Having already enjoyed multiple smoothies, blueberry muffins and straight up, I decided to add a little variety by whisking up some jam.
Easiest thing possible. Just toss blueberries, sugar, lemon juice and some salt into a medium pot. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer.

I tend to like my jams a little on the looser side as I like to mix it with my Mediterranean yoghurt. So I deviated a little from this recipe I found on Real Simple. Who needs pre-made flavoured yoghurts when you can make your own?!
Even better – you get to control the amount of sugar and you can mix up the fruit based on what you have on hand or your taste preferences.

Blueberries just happen to be one of my faves.
Hope you enjoy!
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