Are you ready to take another sneak peeky into a fun sewing bag?
I know you are!!
And this week’s What’s In Your Sewing Bag? guest is my quilty friend Lindsey from Pen and Paper Patterns.
First off, I just adore Lindsey – she’s quirky, she’s a hoot and she designs some of the CUTEST patterns I’ve ever seen. Her Apple Core mini is still one of my all time faves. Plus, she’s just a sweetheart 😊
So, I’m thrilled that you’re getting a chance to know her and her sewing kit!
Let’s take a look!

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Introduction – tell us a little about yourself! How did you get started on your quilting journey?
Hi! My name is Lindsey and I design quilt patterns à la Pen + Paper Patterns! I was first introduced to quilt making in 2003, but didn’t really get into it until 2011 when I started working at a local scrapbook and fabric store. I’ve been obsessed with sewing and making quilts since!
I remember you sharing that you worked at a local scrapbook and fabric store. I think my paychecks would have gone right back to the store with all the fabric I’d be tempted to buy!

What kind of sewing bag do you have? (e.g. did you make it? Buy it?)
My sewing bag isn’t so much a “bag” as it is a pouch. I got my pouch from a Modern Makes Box (a monthly subscription box by Alderwood Studio). The pouch was beautifully made by Great Heron Thread Co. Besides it being gorgeous looking with the rose gold zipper and Rifle fabric, it is, more importantly, the perfect size. Not cumbersome in the slightest!
What a score! I love a handmade pouch and even better when it features a stellar print! And I love that the pouch is available as a kit!
What are your all-star essentials? Your tried and true must haves that you can never run out of?
I use my pouch specifically for hand binding. My all-star, can’t-live-without essentials are 1) *Dual Duty Plus Hand Quilting Thread and 2) *Tula Pink Micro Tip Scissors. I’m not too picky when it comes to needles or really any other hand binding notion, but I definitely have a preference when it comes to my scissors and thread.
Oh, I’ve never tried either of those for my hand binding! Those Tula Pink snips look something fierce!

What is your favourite item in your kit? Why?
My favorite item in the pouch is my needle minder by Tinkinstitches (AKA @tinkerellen on Instagram). It is so cute with that fussy cut scissor on the top, but also works extremely well. The magnet is strong enough that I never have to worry about losing my needles while binding. Something my family very much appreciates 😉
Lucky, lucky you, Lindsey! I just adore Tink’s needle minders and yours is no exception!
What’s one thing we’d be surprised to find in your bag?
I think one thing you’d be surprised to find in my pouch is thread gloss…only because I very rarely use it haha! The type of thread I use doesn’t tangle or knot easily – reason #1 why I love it! But, it’s in there just in case I ever need it! Also, I think people would be surprised to find out how disorganized it is (the needles are usually very dangerously strewn about – I tidied it up just for you, Shannon!). I am super minimalist and organized in every other area of my life, but when it comes to my purse or hand binding pouch – it’s an out-of-control HOT MESS.
Ha! Love the honesty, Lindsey! My sewing bag is a mix of a hot mess and somewhat organized. I tend to just toss things in there and then have to dig to find them at the very bottom of my bag! But you’ve really got me curious about this non-tangling and non-knotting thread – gonna have to check that out!

When do you find yourself using your kit the most? (Travelling, on the sofa, attending sew-ins?)
You can find me using my pouch 99.9% of the time in bed or on my couch while hand binding. I mentioned earlier that it’s the perfect size. It’s not too big where it gets in the way while I’m binding or where I’m constantly digging around to find certain items in it, but it’s not too small where I’m misplacing it or struggling to fit all my beloved notions in it either.
Pretty and practical – that’s what I’m always after too!
What’s your favourite travel memory with your sewing bag?
My favorite travel memory with my pouch was fairly recently (pre-pandemic anyways). My husband and I went on a mini stay-cation a few hours north of us and during our drive there I took a quilt to bind. I was able to store the pouch right next to me in the car door compartment because, again, it’s the perfect size. We listened to an audio book and chatted while I bound my quilt. One of the many fond memories I have from that trip!
That sounds lovely, Lindsey! What a perfect way to start a trip together too!

Tell people where we can find you?
You can find me on Instagram and Facebook at @penandpaperpatterns. I just recently started a Youtube channel and in my most recent video I actually give a tutorial on hand binding! You can check that out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-i1jkEIBYg And my patterns can be found at penandpaperpatterns.com or Etsy!
You’re a total gem, Lindsey! Thank you for giving us this fun sneak peek inside your cute as a button sewing pouch!

For more What’s in Your Sewing Bag fun, check out these guests:
- Lucy from Lucy Engels
- Anna from Wax & Wane Studio
- Karen from Karen Lewis Textiles
- Flip from Flip & Co
- Emily from Quilty Love
Happy stitching!
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