Calling all my fabric and colour lovers as, today, it’s all about fabric play featuring the Lunar Eclipse Quilt inspired by the Pantone Color of the Year Peach Fuzz.
I’ve got quilt mock-ups for you in both Kona Cotton and Ruby and Bee solids, a surprise pre-cut friendly option that was not on my to-do list, and a limited-time bundle to get you inspired to stitch up all the curves 😊
Let’s dive in!

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How do you feel about piecing curves?
Now before you head running for the hills at the realization that the Lunar Eclipse Quilt involves curved piecing, I want to encourage you to hear me out!
I remember that the thought of quilting curves made me a little nervous in the beginning. I think sometimes the unknown scares us more than the actual ‘thing’. More often than not, I’m surprised by how relatively easy something is once I’ve actually tried it – ha!
Novel concept, I know.
But sometimes, I allow the thought of the ‘thing’ to scare me. Over time, I’ve learned that the best course of action is to face it head-on. Rip off that Band-Aid, and just give it a go.
The benefit of this approach is that:
- You get to avoid sitting in that anxious anticipation stage, leaving you less time to worry about the what-ifs.
- You get to learn sooner rather than later. Even if it doesn’t go according to plan, you’ll leave having a better understanding of how to approach it next time.
- You get to reinforce the strength you have in facing ‘situations’ head-on. This makes you stronger and brings you more courage than you had before.
Either way, when you look at the above points, you realize that the sooner you explore that fear, the sooner you get to grow and feel confident in yourself.
I always like to say, the best stuff is just outside your comfort zone 😉
Practice helps!
Which brings me back to curved piecing.
Have I messed up my fair share of curved blocks?
Have I also learned and accurately pieced my fair share of curved blocks?
Also, yes!
Do I still make mistakes?
Absolutely! But it doesn’t happen nearly as often as it used to. Practice has helped – a lot.

Lunar Eclipse Quilt inspired by Peach Fuzz
Quilting curves have been on my radar quite a bit over the last several months, for a few reasons.
Pantone Color of the Year Peach Fuzz
First, I’ve been super curious about the new Pantone colour of the year Peach Fuzz. You know how much I love all those peachy coral tones and peach fuzz instantly makes me think of the colours in my 100 Days of Improv Quilt. It got me curious about playing around with mock-ups to see what colour combinations I could come up with.
I originally thought I would use the Plus Infinity Quilt, but for some reason I was drawn to play with the Lunar Eclipse Quilt.
The first one that I made featured cool tones in blues, yellow and teals. I loved it, but I was excited to see how she’d looked in warmer tones.
Kona Cotton
One of the benefits of being a quilt pattern designer is that I’ve learned how to use Adobe Illustrator. It’s a beast of a program that I’m still learning my way around but one of the features I love to play with is changing the colour placements.
Using Peach Fuzz as inspiration, I pulled several Kona Cotton Solids in shades of peachy coral to see how those fabric colours would play off one another.

Here’s where that play led to.
Coral focused
As you can see, I kept Peach Fuzz as the accent colour in most of these quilt layouts. I was loving the deep warmth that those darker coral shades were giving.
There is something super soothing about a monochrome palette, even though it’s got some fiery punch to it!

Coral with a pop of green
I’m always amazed at how a small tweak can lead to a big impact.
In this example, I swapped one of the coral shades for a green.
Here’s how that looks.

Cool, right?!
Ruby and Bee
Since I love the feel of Ruby and Bee Solids, I was curious to see what options their solids offered using Peach Fuzz as the inspiration again.
The colours I gravitated towards led to this sunset-esque fabric pull of corals, peaches, with a pop of orangey-yellow.

Curves Jubilee
While I was exploring colourways, I received an invitation to join 11 other modern quilt pattern designers to bring you the Curves Jubilee! A bundle of 12 modern quilt designs for $23.99 (just $2 a pattern)!
A jubilee is any season or occasion of rejoicing or festivity. Curves Jubilee was specifically curated to celebrate sewing curves. The patterns in the bundle will help you step into your curve piecing era with confidence and create quilts that radiate love and joy.
And the Lunar Eclipse Quilt is part of the bundle!
Grab your Curves Jubilee Bundle before the offer expires on April 21, 2024.

Lunar Eclipse Pre-Cut Friendly
All this talk about curves and playing with mock-ups got me fired up to make another Lunar Eclipse Quilt – ha!
I was planning on making a solids version, but then I had these leftover layer cake squares sitting on my cutting table and it got me wondering if I could make the blocks with a layer cake.
The short answer is yes, I can!

So, I’ve pulled together the instructions and updated the Lunar Eclipse quilt pattern for you (if you already purchased it, check your inbox for an update!). Since this was an impromptu change, I didn’t have the chance to include them in the Curves Jubilee bundle, but I don’t want you to miss out.
You can download your Lunar Eclipse Pre-Cut Friendly One Pager here.

I’ll share more about this Ruby Star Society scrappy Lunar Eclipse version I’m making soon. In the meantime, you can follow along over on Instagram to see how it’s coming together 😊 Don’t forget to get your Curves Jubilee Bundle before it disappears on April 21, 2024
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